New Book Launched!
America's Counterfeit Democracy: Rule of the Power Elite
The billionaires control our government—we don't.
Over the past few decades, powerful elites have taken control of the federal government leveraging it to further their objectives: amassing wealth and maintaining stability in America. In the current state of affairs, the public finds itself without any means or influence to shape government decisions.
America’s Counterfeit Democracy: Rule of the Power Elite, has quickly risen to prominence in political literature and debuted at #1 in Social Theory, #2 in Political Parties, and #2 in Political Philosophy. In this politically charged era, author, historian, and political analyst, Michael C. Anderson, delves into how the political rights of the public have been sidelined in pursuit of elite goals.
Dissecting political behavior to help us all.
If you like cozy evenings reading about history, debating politics, delving into what makes people "tick," or just want to understand how civilization has gotten to this point, you'll enjoy Michael C. Anderson's books and blog.

This is a time of disagreement and polarization in American politics caused by an exaggerated focus on the extreme ends of the political spectrum by the 24-hour news media and the Internet. My mission is to expose this false reality for what it is.
About Mike
Tribalism in America must end because it threatens our existence as a society. I try to mitigate the anger by helping political opponents understand their differences. Understanding those different views will help us move forward. The sooner we see the futility of tribalism, the better prepared we will be to work together for the good of our country. Credentials: Ph.D. in Information Science - Author for 20 years - Author of Ancient history blog since 2008 - Author of political discussion blog since 2017 Areas of expertise: Ancient history, American Colonial period, United States after 1870, Political Morality, History of Political systems, and Governments

Degraded Standard of Journalism
Recent behavior of the 24-hour news media and the Internet has caused journalistic standards to sink to a new low in the United States. Respect for institutions and individuals is non-existent as the media fights over viewership.
Broken Political System
Our political system is polarized and ideology is given a higher priority than the interests and needs of the American people. Moreover, politicians are in the pockets of lobbyists and special interest groups who have an outsized influence on their votes.
The Solution
The only way to fix this problem is to ignore the rants of the news media and evaluate what we're getting out of our government. If our representatives don't work for us, we need to make changes.